Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Retrieval week sickness :(

I had my IVF egg retrieval on Monday and i didn't feel that terrible after. I had some severe cramping but that was about it. I was taking Tylenol every 4 hours and using my heating pad around the clock. On Wednesday, I started to go down hill fast. From Wednesday to Saturday i felt like i was dying. I was cramping, throwing up, extremely weak, dizzy and wanted to cry. I couldn't keep anything down but then again was weak from the lack of food and was an endless cycle. My husband was very worried and kept telling me to call the doctor saying, "this can't be normal". And yes, i was also thinking that this could not be normal but I was afraid that if they knew how sick I was that they wouldn't do my transfer and everything would be fresh embryo cycle..just a frozen cycle in a few months. That idea was an even worse feeling then my sickness. I called my RE on Thursday and they called me in some prescription nausea medicine that they prescribe to chemo patients. They wanted me to call back the next day and update them before my transfer because they wouldn't want to do the transfer if i was throwing up since i wasn't suppose to be straining after. My RE's office closes at noon on Fridays. I called at 10:30 and was pleased to say that i had not thrown up again since yesterday, my transfer appointment was set for 8:15 the next morning...this was going to happen. I wish i felt good enough to enjoy that feeling, that afternoon i started throwing up i just prayed that i would feel better for my transfer day tomorrow, the moment i had been waiting for all this time.

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