Friday, May 18, 2012

Tips to help you get pregnant!

Are you trying to get pregnant? Here are some tips I have learned along the way.

Take a baby aspirin everyday. It is supposed to help your lining thicken up and the baby stick. Reasons to use Baby Aspirin if you are trying to conceive.

Eat a pineapple core during the 5 after ovulation. Cut it into 5 pieces and eat a piece everyday. Pineapple core for implantation.

Have your Prolactin levels checked? Everything we went through.. this was not done until I hit the RE. My levels were too high and that could have been one of my problems all along. Prolactin levels and Infertility
Prolactin doesn't just cause your body to increase milk production - it also affects your ovulation and menstrual cycles. (This is why women who are breastfeeding rarely get pregnant). Prolactin inhibit two hormones necessary for ovulation: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). When you have high levels of prolactin in your blood (a condition called hyperprolactinemia), you will not ovulate and this will result in infertility. This anovulation can also cause you to have irregular cycles.

Take at least 1000 mg of Vitamin D3 everyday!!!! Sometimes this is all you need!
"Having enough vitamin D circulating through your system can increase your chances of fertility whether you’re struggling with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), lack of ovulation or general fertility problems. This “hormone” also plays a role in male reproduction. Both sperm motility and production are increased when levels of vitamin D are normal. SO get your men tested too- as we all know it takes two to tango (so to speak)." Vitamin D

They also have Fertility Vitamins! I have a friend that could not conceive  even after injectables and multiple IUI's, after being on only the vitamins for 2 months she is expecting.<3 (i think she took both)
Fertility Blend or Fertility Plus or FertilAid

Start taking your prenatal vitamins now.

Hope this was useful. :)


  1. Your tips about getting pregnant are really helpful for everyone. Infertility is not a permanant problem. It can be cured of taking IVF treatment in Hyderabad

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  4. I am going to make an assumption here and guess that you want to know what to take to help increase your chances of becoming pregnant. I always recommend that both partners take a multi-vitamin. In addition to that (depending on how much is in yours) you might need an additional folic acid supplement. A woman that is trying to conceive should take between 800 and 1000 mcg (micrograms) of folic acid daily to help prevent spinal birth defects. Most women's multi-vitamins have 400 mcg of folic acid, so be sure to check yours.

    If you are 35 years old or younger it is not unusual for it to take up to a year to get pregnant. If it takes longer than that, schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN to discuss blood work that can be done to see if there are any possible hormonal issues. If you are over 35 and have tried for at least 6 months and are not pregnant, call and schedule an appointment.

    If there are no known health issues in either partner just be sure to have unprotected intercourse at least every other day starting from the first day that you are no longer bleeding until your next period starts. Sperm can live in a fertile environment for up to 5 days, so if you miss a day don't worry. Also, as hard as it might be, try not to stress out.

    If you have any more specific questions about trying to conceive, post them and I am sure you will get a ton of answers. Best of luck to you!
