Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ultrasound day

The ultrasound tech was out for the day so my RE did the scan. I really like the ultrasound tech, she is amazing. She always explains everything and is so knowledgeable. It was nice for my RE to be there to do it, you can tell that he gets involved in the process and really enjoys happy endings. After IVF, you have an ultrasound very early on, this is to see how many babies are there (since most people transfer more than one embryo) and to ensure that everything looks like it has implanted and is growing successfully. I am not sure how far along I am at this point, i think when he measured the crown to rump, the screen said 5 weeks 4 days. He said it was probably too early to find the heartbeat and was right. He said it was like trying to find a heartbeat on a grain of rice. He did say that the yolk sac, and my lining looked excellent. There is this wall that makes a circle around the baby and mine was thick and strong. He said this was the cushion that protected the baby so it was very important that it looked strong and that is the things he looks for most at this stage. I go back in two weeks to hear the heartbeat then i get released to my normal obgyn. At this point, it still doesn't feel real. Every now and then i will stop and think about it and the thought is overwhelming. To think that it worked, i have a baby growing in my's just amazingly beautiful. I keep praying that the baby will continue to grow and become our healthy, perfect child. I will feel better when it is 12 weeks and the miscarriage rate drops 80%. I guess i feel like since it was so hard to get pregnant then why would my pregnancy not be hard also? I know, realistically, that there is no relation between the two. I just continue to pray and I let myself imagine this working. I imagine how amazing it will feel to grow my child in my belly. A child that is half mine and half the man who is my best friend, that we will each be half of a human being. I cry a lot, just thinking how wonderful it will be to have our own family :) Ultrasound in 2 weeks, i'm ready to hear a heartbeat, i think that will make me feel more confident and maybe give me some peace of mind. Thank you Lord for my miracle. I thank you everyday.

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